Elio XL - Large Format
Via Flaminia Km 33,700 - 00068 Rignano Flaminio (RM)
Production tel. +39 0761 52 14 55
Administrative office tel. +39 0761 52 16 45
tel. +39 0761 52 15 59
elioxl@eliostile.it | amministrazione@eliostile.it | eliostile@pec.it
C.F.: 00757060587 - P.IVA.: 00928291004 - SDI: QULXG4S
Copyright © 2019. Designed by Eliostile
The numerical controlled machine Nettuno for Polystyrene hot-wire cut, allows to to study, design and realize staging and showcase elements in polystyrene.